Geomatics and Environmental Engineering (GaEE) is a journal whose Editorial Board is based at the Faculty of Geo-Data Science, Geodesy, and Environmental Engineering, AGH University of Krakow. The Journal covers all aspects of scientific and technical advances in the geomatics sciences and environmental engineering. Our aim is to publish novel or improved contributions in geomatics, geodesy and cartography, as well as research in environmental engineering science in its broadest sense.

The areas of interest include many research fields such as:
- geodesy and geodynamics;
- cartography and digital mapping;
- global navigation satellite systems (GNSS);
- surveying;
- land management, cadastre, real property law;
- sustainable land development;
- land use planning;
- real estate valuation;
- land and geographic information systems (LIS and GIS);
- spatial data analysis and spatial statistics;
- remote sensing;
- photogrammetry and image processing;
- network adjustment and numerical processes;
- deformation measurements and analysis;
- structural and mechanical engineering;
- geoinformatics;
- applications programming;
- monitoring and environmental protection;
- soil science;
- environmental chemistry;
- air protection;
- life cycle assessment;
- environmental management;
- melioration and water supply;
- hydraulic engineering;
- wastewater treatment;
- heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC);
- renewable energy sources;
- sustainable development goals;
- climate change.