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Legal Conditions and Data Provision for Land Property Exchange in the Processes of Land Consolidation and Land Compensation in Bulgaria
Corresponding Author(s) : Milena Moteva
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering,
Vol. 14 No. 2 (2020): Geomatics and Environmental Engineering
Land consolidation and land compensation require the evaluation of the productivity of the exchanged or recompensed areas. A serious deficiency in land consolidation regulations set by the Agricultural Land Ownership and Use Act, 1991 is the 10% restriction on the difference in the exchanged areas before and after land consolidation. The simultaneous action of the current methodology for equating lands by their quality, together with the legal restrictions of this Act, limits the implementation of land consolidation to only highly productive lands of the 1st to the 3rd land category. The objective of this paper is to suggest a method for extending the implementation of land consolidation to larger areas and to recommend a fairer calculation method in equating lands by their quality. Two approaches to landed property exchange are united. One of them is based on the mean estimates of land productivity per land category (MLPE) (considering the Bulgarian Land Categorization System), the other one-on the detailed land productivity estimates of each landed property (DLPE). The adapted FAO Land Suitability Classification is suggested to identify areas suitable for land consolidation. Regression analysis and expert assessment were used. The data required for GIS processing are specified and systemized. A proposal for the improvement of the legal framework is given.
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- Cadaster and Land Consolidation Act. Prom. 1941, denom. 1950.
- Agricultural Land Ownership and Use Act. Prom. SG No. 17 of 1 Mar 1991, last am. SG No. 61 of 2 Aug 2019.
- Implementing Regulations of Agricultural Land Ownership and Use Act. Prom. SG 34 of 30 Apr 1991, last am. and suppl. SG, 100 of 20 Dec 2019.
- Sklenicka P., Janovska V., Salek M., Vlasak J., Molnarova K.: The Farmland Rental Paradox: Extreme land ownership fragmentation as a new form of land degradation. Land Use Policy, vol. 38, 2014, pp. 587–593.
- Cegielska K., Noszczyk T., Kukulska A., Szylar M., Hernik J., Dixon‑Gough R., Jombach S., Valanszki I., Kovacs K.F.: Land use and land cover changes in post‑socialist countries: Some observations from Hungary and Poland. Land Use Policy, vol. 78, 2018, pp. 1–18.
- Janus J., Taszakowski J.: Spatial differentiation of indicators presenting selected barriers in the productivity of agricultural areas: A regional approach to setting land consolidation priorities. Ecological Indicators, vol. 93, 2018, pp. 718–729.
- Noga K., Balawejder M., Matkowska K.: Dimensions of the destruction of road network providing access to cadastral parcels resulting from the motorway construction. Geomatics and Environmental Engineering, vol. 11, no. 4, 2017, pp. 65–81.
- Stręk Ż., Noga K.: Method of Delimiting the Spatial Structure of Villages for the Purposes of Land Consolidation and Exchange. Remote Sensing, vol. 11 (11), 2019, 1268.
- Cay T., Ayten T., Iscan F.: Effects of different land reallocation models on the success of land consolidation projects: Social and economic approaches. Land Use Policy, vol. 27, issue 2, 2010, pp. 262–269.‑pol.2009.03.001.
- Stańczuk‑Gałwiaczek M., Sobolewska‑Mikulska K., Ritzema H., van Loon‑Steensma Jantsje M.: Integration of water management and land consolidation in rural areas to adapt to climate change: Experiences from Poland and the Nether lands. Land Use Policy, vol. 77, 2018, pp. 498–511.
- Antova G., Kunchev I., Mickrenska‑Cherneva C.: Point clouds in BIM. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 44, issue 4, 042034, 2016.
- Георгиев Б., Банов М., Трифонова Т., Кръстева-Пенкова В., Митрева З., Колчаков В., Ненов М., Митева Н.: Съвременни научни постановки за възстановяване, поддържане кадастъра на земеделските земи и агроекологични похвати при осъществяване на комасационни активности. Научен Проект ПОЗМ 173, Селскостопанска академия, София 2016 [Georgiev B., Banov M., Trifonova T., Krasteva‑Penkova V., Mitreva Z., Kolchakov V., Nenov M., Miteva N.: Savremenni nauchni postanovki za vazstanovyavane, poddarzhane kadastara na zemedelskite zemii agroekol. Nauchen Proekt POZM 173, Selskostopanska akademia, Sofia 2016].
- Митрева З., Любенова И., Панков В., Радованова И., Георгиев Б.: Качествена съпоставимост, взаимозаменяемост, агроекологична база за комасационни активности и пазарни цени на земеделските земи. [in:] Агроекологичен потенциал на поземлените имоти в землище Ореш и научна база за рационално земеползване, НТС на специалистите в земеделието, София 2017, pp. 109–116 [Mitreva Z., Lyubenova I., Pankov V., Radovanova I., Georgiev B.: Kachestvena sapostavimost, vzaimozamenyaemost, agroekologichna baza za komasatsionni aktivnosti i pazarni tseni na zemedelskite zemi. [in:] Agro‑ekologichen potentsial na pozemlenite imoti v zemlishte Oresh i nauchna baza za ratsionalno zemepolzvane, NTS na spetsialistite v zemedelieto, Sofia 2017].
- M. Moteva Павлов П.: Географски информационни системи – приложение в развитието и управлението на големи населени места. Геодезия, картография, земеус‑ тройство, XXXIX, 4, pp. 16–20 [Pavlov P.: Geografski informatsionni sistemi – prilozhenie v razvitieto i upravlenieto na golemi naseleni mesta. Geodezia, kartografia, zemeustroystvo, XXXIX, 4, 1999, pp. 16–20].
- Пенев П.Т., Микренска-Чернева К.: Специализирано картографиране в България. Интел Ентранс, София 2015 [Penev P.T., Mikrenska‑Cherneva K.: Spetsializirano kartografirane v Bulgaria. Intel Entrans, Sofia 2015].
- Петров Е., Кабакчиев И., Божинова П., Стоева А., Георгиева Я., Хершкович Е., Дилков Д.: Методика за работа по кадастъра на селскостопанските земи в НРБ. Асоциация НА. ПС, София 1988 [Petrov E., Kabakchiev I., Bozhinova P., Stoeva A., Georgieva Ya., Hershkovich E., Dilkov D.: Metodika za rabota po kadastara na selskostopanskitezemi v NRB. Asotsiatsia NA. PS, Sofia 1988].
- FAO: A framework for land evaluation. Soils Bulletin, 32, FAO and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome 1976.
- Ordinance on the Categorization of Agricultural Lands at the Change of their Permanent Purpose of Use. Prom SG 90 of 24 Oct 1996, last amend and suppl. SG 93 of 9 Nov 2018.
- Бюлетин № 6. Министерство на Селскостопанското развитие, земепол зването ивъзстановяването на поземлената собственост, Управление Поземлена реформа, 1994 [Byuletin № 6. Ministerstvo na Selskostopanskoto razvitie, zemepolzvaneto i vazstanovyavaneto na pozemlenata sobstvenost, Upravlenie Pozemlena reforma, 1994].
Cadaster and Land Consolidation Act. Prom. 1941, denom. 1950.
Agricultural Land Ownership and Use Act. Prom. SG No. 17 of 1 Mar 1991, last am. SG No. 61 of 2 Aug 2019.
Implementing Regulations of Agricultural Land Ownership and Use Act. Prom. SG 34 of 30 Apr 1991, last am. and suppl. SG, 100 of 20 Dec 2019.
Sklenicka P., Janovska V., Salek M., Vlasak J., Molnarova K.: The Farmland Rental Paradox: Extreme land ownership fragmentation as a new form of land degradation. Land Use Policy, vol. 38, 2014, pp. 587–593.
Cegielska K., Noszczyk T., Kukulska A., Szylar M., Hernik J., Dixon‑Gough R., Jombach S., Valanszki I., Kovacs K.F.: Land use and land cover changes in post‑socialist countries: Some observations from Hungary and Poland. Land Use Policy, vol. 78, 2018, pp. 1–18.
Janus J., Taszakowski J.: Spatial differentiation of indicators presenting selected barriers in the productivity of agricultural areas: A regional approach to setting land consolidation priorities. Ecological Indicators, vol. 93, 2018, pp. 718–729.
Noga K., Balawejder M., Matkowska K.: Dimensions of the destruction of road network providing access to cadastral parcels resulting from the motorway construction. Geomatics and Environmental Engineering, vol. 11, no. 4, 2017, pp. 65–81.
Stręk Ż., Noga K.: Method of Delimiting the Spatial Structure of Villages for the Purposes of Land Consolidation and Exchange. Remote Sensing, vol. 11 (11), 2019, 1268.
Cay T., Ayten T., Iscan F.: Effects of different land reallocation models on the success of land consolidation projects: Social and economic approaches. Land Use Policy, vol. 27, issue 2, 2010, pp. 262–269.‑pol.2009.03.001.
Stańczuk‑Gałwiaczek M., Sobolewska‑Mikulska K., Ritzema H., van Loon‑Steensma Jantsje M.: Integration of water management and land consolidation in rural areas to adapt to climate change: Experiences from Poland and the Nether lands. Land Use Policy, vol. 77, 2018, pp. 498–511.
Antova G., Kunchev I., Mickrenska‑Cherneva C.: Point clouds in BIM. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 44, issue 4, 042034, 2016.
Георгиев Б., Банов М., Трифонова Т., Кръстева-Пенкова В., Митрева З., Колчаков В., Ненов М., Митева Н.: Съвременни научни постановки за възстановяване, поддържане кадастъра на земеделските земи и агроекологични похвати при осъществяване на комасационни активности. Научен Проект ПОЗМ 173, Селскостопанска академия, София 2016 [Georgiev B., Banov M., Trifonova T., Krasteva‑Penkova V., Mitreva Z., Kolchakov V., Nenov M., Miteva N.: Savremenni nauchni postanovki za vazstanovyavane, poddarzhane kadastara na zemedelskite zemii agroekol. Nauchen Proekt POZM 173, Selskostopanska akademia, Sofia 2016].
Митрева З., Любенова И., Панков В., Радованова И., Георгиев Б.: Качествена съпоставимост, взаимозаменяемост, агроекологична база за комасационни активности и пазарни цени на земеделските земи. [in:] Агроекологичен потенциал на поземлените имоти в землище Ореш и научна база за рационално земеползване, НТС на специалистите в земеделието, София 2017, pp. 109–116 [Mitreva Z., Lyubenova I., Pankov V., Radovanova I., Georgiev B.: Kachestvena sapostavimost, vzaimozamenyaemost, agroekologichna baza za komasatsionni aktivnosti i pazarni tseni na zemedelskite zemi. [in:] Agro‑ekologichen potentsial na pozemlenite imoti v zemlishte Oresh i nauchna baza za ratsionalno zemepolzvane, NTS na spetsialistite v zemedelieto, Sofia 2017].
M. Moteva Павлов П.: Географски информационни системи – приложение в развитието и управлението на големи населени места. Геодезия, картография, земеус‑ тройство, XXXIX, 4, pp. 16–20 [Pavlov P.: Geografski informatsionni sistemi – prilozhenie v razvitieto i upravlenieto na golemi naseleni mesta. Geodezia, kartografia, zemeustroystvo, XXXIX, 4, 1999, pp. 16–20].
Пенев П.Т., Микренска-Чернева К.: Специализирано картографиране в България. Интел Ентранс, София 2015 [Penev P.T., Mikrenska‑Cherneva K.: Spetsializirano kartografirane v Bulgaria. Intel Entrans, Sofia 2015].
Петров Е., Кабакчиев И., Божинова П., Стоева А., Георгиева Я., Хершкович Е., Дилков Д.: Методика за работа по кадастъра на селскостопанските земи в НРБ. Асоциация НА. ПС, София 1988 [Petrov E., Kabakchiev I., Bozhinova P., Stoeva A., Georgieva Ya., Hershkovich E., Dilkov D.: Metodika za rabota po kadastara na selskostopanskitezemi v NRB. Asotsiatsia NA. PS, Sofia 1988].
FAO: A framework for land evaluation. Soils Bulletin, 32, FAO and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome 1976.
Ordinance on the Categorization of Agricultural Lands at the Change of their Permanent Purpose of Use. Prom SG 90 of 24 Oct 1996, last amend and suppl. SG 93 of 9 Nov 2018.
Бюлетин № 6. Министерство на Селскостопанското развитие, земепол зването ивъзстановяването на поземлената собственост, Управление Поземлена реформа, 1994 [Byuletin № 6. Ministerstvo na Selskostopanskoto razvitie, zemepolzvaneto i vazstanovyavaneto na pozemlenata sobstvenost, Upravlenie Pozemlena reforma, 1994].