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Ferromagnetic Underwater Target Detection Based on a Magnetic Anomaly Map
Corresponding Author(s) : Izabela Bodus-Olkowska
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering,
Vol. 14 No. 1 (2020): Geomatics and Environmental Engineering
A magnetic anomaly map of an underwater area indicates the places where the distortion of a magnetic field has occurred. Through the interpretation procedures, a hydrographer can easily indicate the places where the ferromagnetic objects are, then calculate the level of each distortion ‑ by the value of total anomaly ‑ and initially, based on their own knowledge, try to classify the sources of distortion. Objects that induce micro anomaly changes (>30 nT) ‑ like industrial infrastructure, such as pipelines and cables; to unintendingly located targets with ferromagnetic characteristics: wrecks (vessels, planes, cars), military mines, UXO, lost anchors and chains. Interpretation of such a map with the attempt to identify the source of magnetic field distortion, requires a specific knowledge as well as experience.
In this article the author presents the research results of dimensioning and location of potential ferromagnetic underwater objects based on a magnetic anomaly map. For further consideration an anchor of buoyage system is taken into account. Geolocation of ferromagnetic sources, contours extraction and dimensioning algorithms of ferromagnetic targets have been carried out in Matlab software. The map of magnetic anomaly enhanced with extracted information was developed in ArcGIS. The analysis was carried out for the purpose of the dissertation thesis and the results are used in further research.
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