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Assessment of Annoyance of Traffic Noise Based on Residents’ Subjective Evaluations and Actual Noise Measurements in Environment
Corresponding Author(s) : Malgorzata Orczyk
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering,
Vol. 18 No. 6 (2024): Geomatics and Environmental Engineering
The aim of the article is to assess the traffic noise on one of the main streets in the city of Poznań. The authors chose to discuss the topic of evaluating the impact of the sound phenomena that is generated by vehicles in urbanized areas. This decision resulted from the fact that approximately 20% of the EU population live in places where permissible noise levels are exceeded – both during the day and at night. The selected street for the study is precisely such a location; it is characterized by a very high volume of vehicle traffic throughout the day (a road that leads out of the city toward Warsaw) and residential buildings close to it. The research involved residents’ subjective assessments of noise as well as actual noise measurements. The survey addressed issues that were mainly related to residents’ perceptions of the sound phenomena on the street, while the second stage of the research focused on actual noise measurements. A 24-hour measurement of noise and traffic intensity was conducted on the selected street. The results that were obtained in this way allowed for an assessment of the acoustic climate considering applicable regulations and the residents’ experiences. The experimental studies showed that, on Warszawska Street, the equivalent sound levels exceed 71 dB during the day and 68 dB at night. In the survey, 33% of the respondents indicated that living on this street was bothersome due to the noise, with it being most disruptive during the night hours (10:00 p.m.–6:00 a.m.) according to 26% of the responses, and between 12:00 noon and 6:00 p.m. according to 31% of the responses.
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- Meller G., de Lourenço W.M., de Melo V.S.G., de Campos Grigoletti G.: Use of noise prediction models for road noise mapping in locations that do not have a standardized model: A short systematic review. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, vol. 195, 2023, 740.
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- Jisu Y., Min-jong K., Tae Muk C., Seo Il C.: Development of web-based software for environmental impact assessment focusing on road traffic noise. Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 360, 2024, 120926.
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- Website Google Maps: [access:18.08.2024].
- Urząd Miasta Poznania [City of Poznań official website]: Mapa akustyczna miasta Poznania 2017 [Acoustic Map of the City of Poznań 2017].,p,11105,40435.html [accessed: 28.08.2024].
- Rozporządzenie Ministra Środowiska z dnia 16 czerwca 2011 r. w sprawie wymagań w zakresie prowadzenia pomiarów poziomów substancji lub energii w środowisku przez zarządzającego drogą, linią kolejową, linią tramwajową, lotniskiem lub portem. Dz.U. 2011 nr 140 poz. 824 [Regulation of the Minister of the Environment dated June 16, 2011 on requirements for measuring the levels of substances or energy in the environment by the entity managing a road, railway line, tram line, airport or port. Journal of Laws of 2011 no. 140, item 140].
- Obwieszczenie Ministra Środowiska z dnia 15 października 2013 r. w sprawie ogłoszenia jednolitego tekstu rozporządzenia Ministra Środowiska w sprawie dopuszczalnych poziomów hałasu w środowisku. Dz.U. 2014 poz. 112 [Announcement of the Minister of the Environment dated October 15, 2013, regarding the publication of the consolidated text of the regulation of the Minister of the Environment on permissible noise levels in the environment. Journal of Laws of 2014 item 112].
European Environment Agency: Environmental noise in Europe – 2020. EEA Report, no. 22/2019. [access: 15.05.2024].
Blanes N., Fons-Esteve J., Hinztzsche M., Ramos M, J., Röösil M., Sáinz de la Maza M., Ubach R., Vienneau D., Peris E.: Projected health impacts from transportation noise – Exploring two scenarios for 2023. Eionet Report – ETC/HE 2022/5, European Topic Centre on Human Health and the Environment, 2022. [access: 28.08.2024].
Directive 2002/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 June 2002 relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise – Declaration by the Commission in the Conciliation Committee on the Directive relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise. OJ L 189, 18.07.2002. [access: 15.01.2024].
Brink M., Schäffer B., Vienneau D., Pieren R., Foraster M., Eze I.C., Rudzik F., Thiesse L., Cajochen Ch., Probst-Hensch N., Röösli M., Wunderli J.M.: Self-reported sleep disturbance from road, rail and aircraft noise: Exposure-response relationships and effect modifiers in the SiRENE study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 16(21), 2019, 4186.
Elmenhorst E.M., Griefahn B., Rolny V., Basner M.: Comparing the effects of road, railway, and aircraft noise on sleep: Exposure-response relationships from pooled data of three laboratory studies. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 16(6), 2019, 1073.
Griefahn B., Marks A., Robens S.: Noise emitted from road, rail and air traffic and their effects on sleep. Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 295(1–2), 2006, pp. 129–140.
Ouis D.: Annoyance from road traffic noise: a review. Journal of Environmental Psychology, vol. 21(1), 2001, pp. 101–120.
Ragettli M.S., Goudreau S., Plante C., Perron S., Fournier M., Smargiassi A.: Annoyance from road traffic, trains, airplanes and from total environmental noise levels. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 13(1), 2016, 90.
Foraster M., Ikenna C.E., Schaffner E., Vienneau D., Héritier H., Endes S., Rudzik F., Thiesse L., Pieren R., Schindler C., Schmidt-Lorriesäss A., Brink M., Cajochen Ch., Wunderli J.M., Röösli M., Probst-Hensch N.: Exposure to road, railway, and aircraft noise and arterial stiffness in the SAPALDIA Study: Annual average noise levels and temporal noise characteristics. Environmental Health Perspectives, vol. 125(9), 2017, 97004.
Amoatey P., Al-Harthy I., Amankona D., Douban S., Izady A., Chen M., Al-Jabri K., Al-Alawi M.: Contribution of outdoor noise-induced health risk in schools located in urbanized arid country. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 30(16), 2023, pp. 48107–48119.
Marquis-Favre C., Gille L.A., Breton L.: Combined road traffic, railway and aircraft noise sources: Total noise annoyance model appraisal from field data. Applied Acoustics, vol. 180, 2021, 108127.
Hong X., Zhang W., Chu Y., Zhu W.: Study on subjective evaluation of acoustic environment in urban open space based on “effective characteristics”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 19(15), 2022, 9231.
Wang J., Wang X., Yuan M., Hu W., Hu X., Lu K.: Deep learning-based road traffic noise annoyance assessment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 20(6), 2023, 5199.
Figlus T., Gnap J., Skrúcaný T., Szafraniec P.: Analysis of the influence of different means of transport on the level of traffic noise. Zeszyty Naukowe. Transport – Politechnika Śląska, z. 97, 2017, pp. 27–38.
Sahlathasneem K.K., Surinder Deswal A.: A Comprehensive review of noise measurement, standards, assessment, geospatial mapping and public health. Ecological Questions, vol. 34(3), 2023, pp. 1–26.
Kwasiborska A., Skorupski J.: Operational restrictions for reducing noise and the safety of air operations. Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport, vol. 94, 2017, pp. 89–98.
Szopińska K.: Sustainable urban transport and the level of road noise – a case study of the City of Bydgoszcz. Geomatics and Environmental Engineering, vol. 13(4), 2019, pp. 93–107.
Baclet S., Khoshkhah K., Pourmoradnasseri M., Rumpler R., Hadachi A.: Near-real-time dynamic noise mapping and exposure assessment using calibrated microscopic traffic simulations. Transportation Research. Part D: Transport and Environment, vol. 124, 2023, 103922.
Meller G., de Lourenço W.M., de Melo V.S.G., de Campos Grigoletti G.: Use of noise prediction models for road noise mapping in locations that do not have a standardized model: A short systematic review. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, vol. 195, 2023, 740.
Urząd Miasta Poznania [City of Poznań official website]: Strategiczna mapa hałasu miasta Poznania 2022 [Strategic Noise Map of the City of Poznań 2022].,p,11105,65515.html [access: 20.05.2024].
Komorski P., Szymański G.M., Nowakowski T.: Development of the urban rail vehicle acoustic model. Applied Acoustics, vol. 195, 2022, 108807.
Orczyk M., Tomaszewski F.: Modeling and predicting sound level around selected sections of Motorway A2. Archives of Transport, vol. 23(2), 2011, pp. 173–190.
Di H., Liu X., Zhang J., Tong Z., Ji M., Li F., Feng T., Ma Q.: Estimation of the quality of an urban acoustic environment based on traffic noise evaluation models. Applied Acoustics, vol. 141, 2018, pp. 115–124.
Lan Z., Li F., Cai M.: Road traffic noise exposure assessment based on spatiotemporal data fusion. Transportation Research. Part D: Transport and Environment, vol. 127, 2024 104044.
Rossi D., Mascolo A., Guarnaccia C.: Calibration and validation of a measurements-independent model for road traffic noise assessment. Applied Sciences, vol. 13(10), 2023, 6168.
Agudelo O.E.A., Marín C.E.M., Crespo R.G.: Sound measurement and automatic vehicle classification and counting applied to road traffic noise characterization. Soft Computing, vol. 25(18), 2021, pp. 12075–12087.
Jisu Y., Min-jong K., Tae Muk C., Seo Il C.: Development of web-based software for environmental impact assessment focusing on road traffic noise. Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 360, 2024, 120926.
Morawetz U., Klaiber H.A., Zhao H.: The impact of traffic noise on the capitalization of public walking area: A hedonic analysis of Vienna, Austria. Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 353, 2024, 120060.
Ławniczak P.: Analiza i ocena hałasu komunikacyjnego na wybranym ciągu komunikacyjnym w Poznaniu przy uwzględnienu wybranych parametrów [Analysis and assessment of communication noise on a selected communication route in the city of Poznań, taking into account the selected parameters]. Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej i Transportu, Politechnika Poznańska, Poznań 2023 [MSc thesis].
Website Google Maps: [access:18.08.2024].
Urząd Miasta Poznania [City of Poznań official website]: Mapa akustyczna miasta Poznania 2017 [Acoustic Map of the City of Poznań 2017].,p,11105,40435.html [accessed: 28.08.2024].
Rozporządzenie Ministra Środowiska z dnia 16 czerwca 2011 r. w sprawie wymagań w zakresie prowadzenia pomiarów poziomów substancji lub energii w środowisku przez zarządzającego drogą, linią kolejową, linią tramwajową, lotniskiem lub portem. Dz.U. 2011 nr 140 poz. 824 [Regulation of the Minister of the Environment dated June 16, 2011 on requirements for measuring the levels of substances or energy in the environment by the entity managing a road, railway line, tram line, airport or port. Journal of Laws of 2011 no. 140, item 140].
Obwieszczenie Ministra Środowiska z dnia 15 października 2013 r. w sprawie ogłoszenia jednolitego tekstu rozporządzenia Ministra Środowiska w sprawie dopuszczalnych poziomów hałasu w środowisku. Dz.U. 2014 poz. 112 [Announcement of the Minister of the Environment dated October 15, 2013, regarding the publication of the consolidated text of the regulation of the Minister of the Environment on permissible noise levels in the environment. Journal of Laws of 2014 item 112].