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Real-Time Building-Damage-Extraction Technology from Ground-Based Video Footage Using Normalized Difference Red/Green Redness Index
Corresponding Author(s) : Haruhiro Shiraishi
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering,
Vol. 19 No. 1 (2025): Geomatics and Environmental Engineering
When an earthquake occurs, promptly identifying the presence or absence of damage is crucial. This study developed a real-time building-damageextraction technique using ground-based imagery and evaluated its effectiveness. The technique applies the redness index (RI) (which was previously used in remote-sensing corrections for vegetation in arid regions) to identify “building damage” in those cases where buildings are partially or completely destroyed by earthquakes or tsunamis.
To capture near-field and distant perspectives in the images, each image was divided into four quadrants (upper-left, upper-right, lower-left, and lowerright). The lower-left and lower-right quadrants were analyzed to assess the conditions on either side of a road in the near field using image recognition. Since the images contain latitudinal and longitudinal information, mapping the damage along the road can be automated by recording the route. Finally, a comparative analysis with other indices was conducted in order to evaluate RI’s superiority in damage mapping. The EMS-98 damage scale was used for damage assessment, classifying D5 (RI ≥ 0.08) as “building-collapse damage” and D0–D4 as “no building-collapse damage.” The average damage values for D5-classified buildings were significantly higher than others, thus demonstrating that RI provides practical and reliable results. Additionally, the study discussed comparisons with other indices and real-time evaluation methods. The authors sincerely hope this research contributes to life-saving efforts and deliveries of relief supplies in the aftermaths of earthquakes, ultimately saving many lives.
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Li X., Cheng X., Chen W., Chen G., Liu S.: Identification of forested landslides using LiDar data, object-based image analysis, and machine learning algorithms. Remote Sensing, vol. 7(8), 2015, pp. 9705–9726.
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Koskosidis Y.A., Powell W.B., Solomon M.M.: An optimization-based heuristic for vehicle routing and scheduling with soft time window constraints. Transportation Science, vol. 26(2), 1992, pp. 69–85.
Taniguchi E., Yamada T., Kakimoto Y.: Probabilistic vehicle routing and scheduling with variable travel times. IFAC Proceedings, vol. 33(9), 2000, pp. 33–38.
Gitelson A.A., Stark R., Grits U., Rundquist D., Kaufman Y., Derry D.: Vegetation and soil lines in visible spectral space: A concept and technique for remote estimation of vegetation fraction. International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 23(13), pp. 2537–2562.
Shiraishi H.: New index for estimation of chlorophyll-a concentration in water with RGB value. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, vol. 18(6), 2018, pp. 10–16.
Cobelo I., Machado K.B., David A.C.M., Carvalho P., Ferreira M.E., Nabout J.C.: Unmanned aerial vehicles and low-cost sensor as tools for monitoring freshwater chlorophyll-a in mesocosms with different trophic state. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 20(6), 2023, pp. 5925–5936.
Bannari A., Morin D., Bonn F., Huete A.: A review of vegetation indices. Remote Sensing Reviews, vol. 13(1–2), pp. 95–120.
Escadafal R., Belghit A., Ben-Moussa A.: Indices spectraux pour la télédétection de la dégradation des milieux naturels en Tunisie aride, [in:] Guyot G. (éd.), Mesures physiques et signatures en télédétection: Sixième symposium international; actes; 17–21 Janvier 1994, Val d’Isère, France: Proceedings, CNES, Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales, Paris 1994, pp. 253–259.
Escadafal R., Huete A.: Étude des propriétés spectrales des sols arides appliquée à l’amélioration des indices de végétation obtenus par télédétection [Improvement in remote sensing of low vegetation cover in arid regions by correcting vegetation indices for soil “noise”]. Comptes Rendus de l’Academie des Sciences. Serie 2, vol. 312(11), 1991, pp. 1385–1391.
SEOS: Classification Algorithms and Methods. [access: 16.01.2025].
Tomowski D., Ehlers M., Klonus S.: Colour and texture based change detection for urban disaster analysis, [in:] 2011 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event, Munich, Germany, 2011, IEEE, Piscataway 2011, pp. 329–332.
Yamazaki F., Matsuoka M.: Remote sensing technologies in post-disaster damage assessment. Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, vol. 1(3), 2007, pp. 193–210.
Ma Y., Chen F., Liu J., He Y., Duan J., Li X.: An automatic procedure for early disaster change mapping based on optical remote sensing. Remote Sensing, vol. 8(4), 2016, 272.
Ren Y., Liu Y.: Geological disaster detection from remote sensing image based on experts’ knowledge and image features, [in:] 2016 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Beijing, China, 2016, IEEE, Piscataway 2016, pp. 677–680.
Ye S., Nourzad S.H.H., Pradhan A., Bartoli I., Kontsos A.: Automated detection of damaged areas after hurricane sandy using aerial color images, [in:] Issa R.R., Flood I. (eds.), Computing in Civil and Building Engineering: Proceedings of the
International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering: June 23–25, 2014, Orlando, Florida, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston 2014, pp. 1796–1803.
Amit S.N.K.B., Aoki Y.: Disaster detection from aerial imagery with convolutional neural network, [in:] 2017 International Electronics Symposium on Knowledge Creation and Intelligent Computing (IES-KCIC), Surabaya, Indonesia, 2017, IEEE, Piscataway 2017, pp. 239–245.
Cabinet Office Japan, Disaster Management in Japan. [access: 16.01.2025].
Okada S., Takai N.: Jishin higai chōsa no tame no tatemono bunrui to higai patān [Classifications of structural types and damage patterns of buildings for earthquake field investigation]. Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering, vol. 64(524), 1999, pp. 65–72.
Naito S., Takahashi I.: Reiwa 6 nen noto hanto Jishin ni okeru tatemono higai no shikkai chosa oyobi koku shashin handoku tono hikaku [Comprehensive survey of building damage in the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake and comparison with aerial photograph interpretation], [in:] Conference Proceedings of the Architectural Institute of Japan (Kanto), 2024 August, art. no. 21121, pp. 241–242.
Chen B., Li S., Wang K., Su Y., Chen J., Jin X., Lv Y., Diao W.: Estimating severity level of cotton disease based on spcctral indicse [!] of TM image. Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, vol. 30(5), 2011, pp. 451–456.