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3D Spatial Analysis of Temporal Maintenance for Multi-use High-rise Buildings: Case Study
Corresponding Author(s) : Usman Mehmood
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering,
Vol. 18 No. 1 (2024): Geomatics and Environmental Engineering
Urbanization has sparked an increase in the construction of multi-use highrise buildings which consists of commercial parcels on their lower floors and residential parcels on their higher floors. In contrast to conventional landed houses, the residents of high-rise buildings share common facilities and private parcels or spaces also differ according to ownership or use. The management and maintenance of these spaces are dependent on the ownership of the parcel where each ownership adheres to different rights, restrictions, and responsibilities (RRRs). Therefore, accurate representation and identification of those parcels affected by maintenance or renovation is crucial for assisting management bodies to improve the quality of life within a multi-use high-rise building. This study attempts to implement a temporal maintenance management for highrise building parcels within a 3D spatial database. A 3D space segmentation was done to analyze the ownership and use of space in a high-rise building. Spatial queries were also performed based on the temporal maintenance of the parcels; in addition, 3D spatial relationships were used to determine adjacent parcels that were affected by the maintenance. Thus, the implementation of temporal strata database management with an accurate 3D representation of the space can provide management bodies with concise and comprehensive information on parcels with respect to ownerships and uses.
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- Barzegar M., Rajabifard A., Kalantari M., Atazadeh B.: 3D BIM-enabled spatial query for retrieving property boundaries: a case study in Victoria, Australia. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, vol. 34(2), 2020. pp. 251–271.
Nugroho N.Y., Triyadi S., Wonorahardjo S.: Effect of high-rise buildings on the surrounding thermal environment. Building and Environment, vol. 207 (Part A), 2022, 108393.
Paurnami S.: A Study on the Facilities-Related Issues in High-Rise Residential Building. Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Kampar – Perak 2021.
Mohamad M., Sufian A., Mohamad N.A.: Strata management in Peninsular Malaysia: An overview. Jurnal Pentadbiran Tanah, 2015, pp. 1–7.
Gan V.J.L., Wang. B., Chan C.M., Weerasuriya A.U., Cheng J.C.P. (eds.): Physics-based, data-driven approach for predicting natural ventilation of residential high-rise buildings. Building Simulation, vol. 15, 2022, pp. 129–148.
Cervero R.: Linking urban transport and land use in developing countries. Journal of Transport and Land Use, vol. 6(1), 2013, pp. 7–24.
Wang Y., Mauree D., Sun Q., Lin H., Scartezzini J.L., Wennersten R.: A review of approaches to low-carbon transition of high-rise residential buildings in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 131, 2020, 109990.
Zhang X.Q.: The trends, promises and challenges of urbanisation in the world. Habitat International, vol. 54(Part 3), 2016, pp. 241–252.
Ismail S.M., Idrus S., Hadi A.S., Rahman A.A., Zainal N., Azam N.D.S.M., Shaharudin N.: Going for green cities: The role of urban and peri-urban forestry in creating the ambiance of the liveable city in Malaysia. [in:] Leal Filho W. (ed.), Handbook of Sustainability Science and Research, World Sustainability Series, Springer, Cham 2018, pp. 401–417.
Key Findings of Population and Housing Census of Malaysia 2020. Department of Statistics Malaysia, Putrajaya 2022.
Statistics Dept: Malaysia’s urbanisation rate tripled over five decades 2022. Malay Mail, 23.12.2022. [access: 25.03.2023].
Twelfth Malaysia Plan: 2021–2025. A Prosperous, Inclusive, Sustainable Malaysia. Economic Planning Unit, Prime Minister’s Department, Putrajaya, Malaysia 2021.
Acheampong R.A., Anokye P.A.: Understanding households’ residential location choice in Kumasi’s peri-urban settlements and the implications for sustainable urban growth. Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, vol. 3(9), 2013, pp. 60–70.
Mohd Nor U.S., Wan Abd Aziz W.N.A., Al Sadat Zyed Z.: Tenants’ satisfaction in high residential buildings. Built Environment Journal (BEJ), vol. 17(1), 2020, pp. 41–57.
Ahmad T., Aibinu A., Thaheem M.J.: The effects of high-rise residential construction on sustainability of housing systems. Procedia Engineering, vol. 180, 2017, pp. 1695–1704.
Mehmood H.U., Ujang U., Azri S., Choon T.L.: Conceptual domain model for maintenance management of high-rise residential strata. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, vol. XLVIII-4/W3-2022, 2022, pp. 77–82.
Easthope H., Randolph B., Judd S.: Managing major repairs in residential strata developments in New South Wales. City Futures Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney 2009.
Mohd-Tawil N., Che-Ani A.I., Ismar N.M.S., Zain M.F.M., Daud M.N.: Management difficulties in managing high-rise residential complexes in Malaysia: The service charge aspect. [in:] Rosen M.A., Perryman R., Dodds S., Muzi F., Yuji W., Polkowska Z., Jelenska M., Sobik M. (eds.), Recent Advances in Energy & Environment: Proceedings of the 5th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Energy & Environment (EE ‘10): University of Cambridge, UK, February 23–25, 2010, WSEAS Press, 2010, pp. 31–35.
Vern T.W., Choon T.L., Liang T.M., Chin T.A.: Analysis towards the current management of limited common property in Malaysia. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), vol. 8(5C), 2019, pp. 798–807.
Knoth L., Atazadeh B., Rajabifard A.: Developing a new framework based on solid models for 3D cadastres. Land Use Policy, vol. 92, 2020, 104480.
Billen R., Zlatanova S.: 3D spatial relationships model: a useful concept for 3D cadastre? Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, vol. 27(4), 2003, pp. 411–425.
Rajabifard A., Atazadeh B., Kalantari M.: A critical evaluation of 3D spatial information models for managing legal arrangements of multi-owned developments in Victoria, Australia. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, vol. 32(10), 2018, pp. 2098–2122.
Ying S., Guo R., Li L., Van Oosterom P., Stoter J.: Construction of 3D volumetric objects for a 3D cadastral system. Transactions in GIS, vol. 19(5), 2015, pp. 758–779.
Jamil H., Isa M.N., Teng C.H., Chan K.L., Abdul Rahman A., Musliman I.A., Ujang U., Hassan I., Siew B., Karim H., Zulkifli N.A., Azri S., Van Oosterom P.: Converting the strata building to LADM. [in:] FIG Working Week 2017: Surveying the world of tomorrow – from digitalisation to augmented reality, Helsinki, Finland, May 29 – June 2, 2017. [access: 25.03.2023].
Zulkifli N.A., Abdul Rahman A., Siew C.B.: Design and implementation of 3D strata objects registration based on LADM – A case study in Malaysia. Land Use Policy, vol. 108, 2021, 105497.
Laws of Malaysia, Act 757: Strata Management Act, 2013.
Wee Vern T., Choon T.L., Ujang M.U.B., Liang T.M., Azri N.S.B., Seng L.K., Chin T.A.: Challenges in forming the subsidiary management corporation: Malaysian experience. LAND (JKPTG journal), vol. 9(1), 2020, pp. 135–150.
Diakité A.A., Zlatanova S.: Spatial subdivision of complex indoor environments for 3D indoor navigation. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, vol. 32(2), 2018, pp. 213–235.
Hsieh H.R.: Issues and proposed improvements regarding condominium management in Taiwan. Habitat International, vol. 33(1), 2009, pp. 73–80.
Karim H.A.: Low cost housing environment: compromising quality of life? Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 35, 2012, pp. 44–53.
Mohd-Noor N., Hamid M.Y., Abdul-Ghani A.A., Haron S.N.: Building maintenance budget determination: An exploration study in the Malaysia government practice. Procedia Engineering, vol. 20, 2011, pp. 435–444.
Das S., Chew M.Y.L., Poh K.L.: Multi-criteria decision analysis in building maintainability using analytical hierarchy process. Construction Management and Economics, vol. 28(10), 2010, pp. 1043–1056.
Wood B.: Maintenance integrated design and manufacture of buildings: Toward a sustainable model. Journal of Architectural Engineering, vol. 18(2), 2012, pp. 192–197.
Ali A.S.: Cost decision making in building maintenance practice in Malaysia. Journal of Facilities Management, vol. 7(4), 2009, pp. 298–306.
Lateef O.A.: Building maintenance management in Malaysia. Journal of Building Appraisal, vol. 4(3), 2009, pp. 207–214.
Emamgholian S., Taleai M., Shojaei D.: Exploring the applications of 3D proximity analysis in a 3D digital cadastre. Geo-spatial Information Science, vol. 24(2), 2021, pp. 201–214.
Barzegar M., Rajabifard A., Kalantari M., Atazadeh B.: 3D BIM-enabled spatial query for retrieving property boundaries: a case study in Victoria, Australia. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, vol. 34(2), 2020. pp. 251–271.