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Apartment Rental Market in Border Cities of Poland and Ukraine
Corresponding Author(s) : Maria Hełdak
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering,
Vol. 18 No. 2 (2024): Geomatics and Environmental Engineering
This article is a contribution to the research that addresses the levels of apartment rental costs in Poland and Ukraine. The city of Rzeszów in Poland and Lviv in Ukraine – voivodeship capital cities that are located about 100 km from the Polish-Ukrainian border – were selected for the analysis. The purpose of the research is to compare the rental costs of apartments and to determine the correlation between the average rental rate and location of an apartment in the city as well as its floor, area, and residential standard. The experimental part of the article presents research results based on analyzing more than 300 apartment rental offers in the Rzeszów and Lviv housing market at the turn of 2022–2023. The possibility of renting an apartment results from the financial capacity of potential tenants, which is unavailable to people with low incomes; hence, the study also analyzed market rental rates in the context of the minimum wage in Poland and Ukraine in 2022.
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Trojanek R., Głuszak M.: Shortrun impact of the Ukrainian refugee crisis on the housing market in Poland. Finance Research Letters, vol. 50, 2022, 103236.
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Akbari A.H., Aydede Y.: Effects of immigration on house prices in Canada. Applied Economics, vol. 44(13), 2012, pp. 1645–1658.
Alhawarin I., Assaad R., Elsayed A.: Migration shocks and housing: Shortrun impact of the Syrian refugee crisis in Jordan. Journal of Housing Economics, vol. 53, 2021, 101761.
Balkan B., Tok E., Torun H., Tumen S.: Immigration, housing rents, and residential segregation: Evidence from Syrian refugees in Turkey. IZA Discussion Papers, no. 11611, IZA, Bonn2018. [access: 2.02.2023].
Kholodilin A.K., Limonov L.E., Waltl S.R.: Housing rent dynamics and rent regulation in St. Petersburg (1880–1917). Explorations in Economic History, vol. 81, 2021, 101398.
Główny Urząd Statystyczny [Statistics Poland], Bank Danych Lokalnych [Local Data Bank]. [access: 21.07.2023].
Wojdat M., Cywiński P.: Miejska gościnność: wielki wzrost, wyzwania i szanse – Raport o uchodźcach z Ukrainy w największych polskich miastach. Centrum Analiz i Badań, Unia Metropolii Polskich im. Pawła Adamowicza, 2022. [access: 21.07.2023].
Raport o stanie miasta Rzeszowa za 2020 rok. Rzeszów 2021. [access: 18.04.2023].
Rozporządzenie Rady Ministrów z dnia 14 września 2021 r. w sprawie wysokości minimalnego wynagrodzenia za pracę oraz wysokości minimalnej stawki godzinowej w 2022 r. Dz.U. 2021 poz. 1690 [The Regulation of the Council of Ministers of September 15, 2021 on the amount of the minimum remuneration for work and the amount of the minimum hourly rate in 2022. Journal of Laws of 2021 item 1690]. Minimum Wage Updated in Ukraine by from 01 October 2022 – October 4, 2022. [access: 21.07.2023].
Jud G.D., Benjamin J.D., Sirmans G.S.: What do we know about apartments and their markets? Journal of Real Estate Research, vol. 11(3), 1996, pp. 243–257.
Wind B., Ibrahim B.: The wartime urban development of Damascus: How the geography and political economy of warfare affects housing patterns. Habitat International, vol. 96, 2020, 102109.
Hełdak M., Pieszko E., Kucher L.: Apartment rental market in Rzeszów and Lublin at the turn of 2021–2022. Real Estate Management and Valuation, vol. 31(4), 2023, pp. 45–56.
Analysis of transaction prices and forecasts for the residential market in Poland: Primary and secondary market. EVALUER INDEX, 1H 2023. Emmerson Evaluation. [access: 20.07.2023].
Gilbert A.: Rental housing: The international experience. Habitat International, vol. 54(part 3), 2016, pp. 173–181.
Marks D.: The effect of rent control on the price of rental housing: An hedonic approach. Land Economics, vol. 60(1), 1984, pp. 81–94.
Jud G.D., Winkler D.T.: Location and amenities in determining apartment rents: An integer programming approach. The Appraisal Journal, vol. 59(2), 1991, pp. 266–275.