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Mapping Groundwater-Potential Zones Using Geospatial and Decision-Making Approaches: Case Study of Ghiss-Nekkour Watershed in Northeastern Morocco
Corresponding Author(s) : Morad Taher
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering,
Vol. 18 No. 6 (2024): Geomatics and Environmental Engineering
Accelerated population growth has led to a heightened demand for water resources, resulting in a notable decline in underground water storage – especially in coastal areas. To effectively manage this crucial resource, the objective of this research work is to identify potential groundwater recharge areas in the Ghiss-Nekkour watershed using Saaty’s multi-criteria analysis combined with GIS and remote-sensing techniques. Initially, this work involved gathering spatial information that was related to the various parameters that govern recharge and express it in thematic maps: slope, altitude, geology, rainfall, soil, land cover, and drainage density. A reclassification was made according to their degrees of involvement in the recharge process by Saaty’s analytical hierarchy process (AHP); this was followed by a weighting of these parameters. These were subsequently integrated into a GIS in order to establish a map of potential groundwater recharge zones in the Ghiss-Nekkour watershed. The groundwater-potential map resulted in five classes:
– good (165 km2) and excellent (0.9 km2) aquifer recharge potentials – situated in north and southwest portions of study area;
– moderate (617 km2) aquifer recharge potentials – located in western and southern parts of watershed;
– fair (551 km2) and poor (44 km2) aquifer recharge potentials – located in central zone and southeastern part of Ghiss-Nekkour watershed.
Field surveys that were conducted in November 2022 and October 2023 validated the obtained results.
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- Benjmel K., Amraoui F., Boutaleb S., Ouchchen M., Tahiri A., Touab A.: Mapping of groundwater potential zones in crystalline terrain using remote sensing, GIS techniques, and multicriteria data analysis (case of the Ighrem Region, Western Anti-Atlas, Morocco). Water, vol. 12(2), 2020, 471.
- Ganapuram S., Kumar G.T.V., Krishna I.V.M., Kahya E., Demirel M.C.: Mapping of groundwater potential zones in the Musi basin using remote sensing data and GIS. Advances in Engineering Software, vol. 40(7), 2009, pp. 506–518.
- Treidel H., Martin-Bordes J.L., Gurdak J.J. (eds.): Climate Change Effects on Groundwater Resources: A Global Synthesis of Findings and Recommendations. International Contributions to Hydrogeology, vol. 27, CRC Press – Balkema, Leiden, Netherlands – Boca Raton 2012.
- Zolekar R.B., Todmal R.S., Bhagat V.S., Bhailume S.A., Korade M.S., Das S.: Hydro-chemical characterization and geospatial analysis of groundwater for drinking and agricultural usage in Nashik district in Maharashtra, India. Environment, Development and Sustainability, vol. 23(3), 2021, pp. 4433–4452.
- Faye C., Solly B., Dièye S., Fall A.: Evaluation des zones potentielles d’eaux souterraines avec l’utilisation des SIG et de la télédétection Cas du sous-bassin de la Sandougou (bassin de la Gambie) [Evaluating of the potential groundwater zones using GIS and remote sensing Case study of Sandougou sub-basin (Gambia Basin)]. African Journal of Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences, vol. 4(1), 2021, pp. 53–75.
- Singh L.K., Jha M.K., Chowdary V.M.: Assessing the accuracy of GIS-based Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis approaches for mapping groundwater potential. Ecological Indicators, vol. 91, 2018, pp. 24–37.
- El Assaoui N., Sadok A., Merimi I.: Impacts of climate change on Moroccan’s groundwater resources: State of art and development prospects. Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 45(part 8), 2021, pp. 7690–7696.
- Echogdali F.Z., Boutaleb S., Abioui M., Aadraoui M., Bendarma A., Kpan R., Ikirri M., El Mekkaoui M., Essoussi S., El Ayady H., Abdelrahman K., Fnais M.S.: Spatial mapping of groundwater potentiality applying geometric average and fractal models: A sustainable approach. Water, vol. 15(2), 2023, 336.
- Del Vecchio K., Kuper M.: La mise en visibilité des eaux souterraines au Maroc: un processus historiquement lié aux politiques de développement de l’irrigation. Développement Durable et Territoires, vol. 12(3), 2021.
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- Arrebei N., Sabir M., Naimi M., Chikhaoui M., Raclot D.: Reconstitution des données historiques et diagnostic de l’état actuel des aménagements antiérosifs dans le bassin versant Nekor. Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, vol. 7(2), 2019, pp. 313–322.
- Taher M., Mourabit T., Bourjila A., Saadi O., Errahmouni A., El Marzkioui F., El Mousaoui M.: An estimation of soil erosion rate hot spots by integrated USLE and GIS methods: A case study of the Ghiss Dam and Basin in Northeastern Morocco. Geomatics and Environmental Engineering, vol. 16(2), pp. 95–110.
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- Doke A.B., Zolekar R.B., Patel H., Das S.: Geospatial mapping of groundwater potential zones using multi-criteria decision-making AHP approach in a hardrock basaltic terrain in India. Ecological Indicators, vol. 127, 2021, 107685.
- Nouayti N., El Khahil C., Algarra M., Pola M.L., Fernández S., Nouayti A., Esteves da Silva J.C.G., Driss K., Samlani N., Hilali M., El Mustapha A., Krawczyk D.A., Rodero A.: Determination of physicochemical water quality of the Ghis-Nekor Aquifer (Al Hoceima, Morocco) using hydrochemistry, multiple isotopic tracers, and the Geographical Information System (GIS). Water, vol. 14(4), 2022, 606.
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- Argaz A., Ouahman B., Darkaoui A., Bikhtar H., Yabsa Y., Laghzal A.: Application of remote sensing techniques and GIS-multicriteria decision analysis for groundwater potential mapping in Souss Watershed, Morocco. Journal of Materials and Environmental Sciences, vol. 10(5), 2019, pp. 411–421.
- Ahmadi H., Kaya O.A., Babadagi E., Savas T., Pekkan E.: GIS-based groundwater potentiality mapping using AHP and FR models in Central Antalya, Turkey. Environmental Sciences Proceedings, vol. 5(1), 11.
- Taher M., Mourabit T., Etebaai I., Dekkaki H.C., Amarjouf N., Amine A., Abdelhak B., Errahmouni A., Azzouzi S.: Identification of groundwater potential zones (GWPZ) using geospatial techniques and AHP method: A case study of the Boudinar Basin, Rif Belt (Morocco). Geomatics and Environmental Engineering, vol. 17(3), 2023, pp. 83–105.
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- Melese T., Belay T.: Groundwater potential zone mapping using analytical hierarchy process and GIS in Muga Watershed, Abay Basin, Ethiopia. Global Challenges, vol. 6(1), 2022, vol. 6(1), 2100068.
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- Kumar M., Singh S.K., Kundu A., Tyagi K., Menon J., Frederick A., et al. GISbased multi-criteria approach to delineate groundwater prospect zone and its sensitivity analysis. Applied Water Science, vol. 12(4), 2022, 71.
- Ake G.E., Kouame K., Koffi A., Jourda J.: Cartographie des zones potentielles de recharge de la nappe de Bonoua (sud-est de la Côte d’Ivoire). Revue des Sciences de l’Eau – Journal of Water Science, vol. 31(2), 2018, pp. 129–144.
- Dar T., Rai N., Bhat A.: Delineation of potential groundwater recharge zones using analytical hierarchy process (AHP). Geology, Ecology, and Landscapes, vol. 5(4), pp. 292–307.
- Bourjila A., Dimane F., El Ouarghi H., Nouayti N., Taher M., El Hammoudani Y., Saadi O., Bensiali A.: Groundwater potential zones mapping by applying GIS, remote sensing and multi-criteria decision analysis in the Ghiss basin, northern Morocco. Groundwater for Sustainable Development, vol. 15, 2021, 100693.
- Ikirri M., Boutaleb S., Ibraheem I.M., Abioui M., Echogdali F.Z., Abdelrahman K., Id-Belqas M., Abu-Alam T., El Ayady H., Essoussi S., Faik F.: Delineation of groundwater potential area using an AHP, remote sensing, and GIS techniques in the Ifni Basin, Western Anti-Atlas, Morocco. Water, vol. 15(7), 2023, 1436.
- Echogdali F.Z., Boutaleb S., Bendarma A., Saidi M.E., Aadraoui M., Abioui M., Ouchchen M., Abdelrahman K., Fnais M.S., Sajinkumar K.S.: Application of analytical hierarchy process and geophysical method for groundwater potential mapping in the Tata Basin, Morocco. Water, 14(15), 2022, 2393.
- Hamdani N., Baali A.: Characterization of groundwater potential zones using analytic hierarchy process and integrated geomatic techniques in Central Middle Atlas (Morocco). Applied Geomatics, vol. 12(3), 2020, pp. 323–335.
Benjmel K., Amraoui F., Boutaleb S., Ouchchen M., Tahiri A., Touab A.: Mapping of groundwater potential zones in crystalline terrain using remote sensing, GIS techniques, and multicriteria data analysis (case of the Ighrem Region, Western Anti-Atlas, Morocco). Water, vol. 12(2), 2020, 471.
Ganapuram S., Kumar G.T.V., Krishna I.V.M., Kahya E., Demirel M.C.: Mapping of groundwater potential zones in the Musi basin using remote sensing data and GIS. Advances in Engineering Software, vol. 40(7), 2009, pp. 506–518.
Treidel H., Martin-Bordes J.L., Gurdak J.J. (eds.): Climate Change Effects on Groundwater Resources: A Global Synthesis of Findings and Recommendations. International Contributions to Hydrogeology, vol. 27, CRC Press – Balkema, Leiden, Netherlands – Boca Raton 2012.
Zolekar R.B., Todmal R.S., Bhagat V.S., Bhailume S.A., Korade M.S., Das S.: Hydro-chemical characterization and geospatial analysis of groundwater for drinking and agricultural usage in Nashik district in Maharashtra, India. Environment, Development and Sustainability, vol. 23(3), 2021, pp. 4433–4452.
Faye C., Solly B., Dièye S., Fall A.: Evaluation des zones potentielles d’eaux souterraines avec l’utilisation des SIG et de la télédétection Cas du sous-bassin de la Sandougou (bassin de la Gambie) [Evaluating of the potential groundwater zones using GIS and remote sensing Case study of Sandougou sub-basin (Gambia Basin)]. African Journal of Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences, vol. 4(1), 2021, pp. 53–75.
Singh L.K., Jha M.K., Chowdary V.M.: Assessing the accuracy of GIS-based Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis approaches for mapping groundwater potential. Ecological Indicators, vol. 91, 2018, pp. 24–37.
El Assaoui N., Sadok A., Merimi I.: Impacts of climate change on Moroccan’s groundwater resources: State of art and development prospects. Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 45(part 8), 2021, pp. 7690–7696.
Echogdali F.Z., Boutaleb S., Abioui M., Aadraoui M., Bendarma A., Kpan R., Ikirri M., El Mekkaoui M., Essoussi S., El Ayady H., Abdelrahman K., Fnais M.S.: Spatial mapping of groundwater potentiality applying geometric average and fractal models: A sustainable approach. Water, vol. 15(2), 2023, 336.
Del Vecchio K., Kuper M.: La mise en visibilité des eaux souterraines au Maroc: un processus historiquement lié aux politiques de développement de l’irrigation. Développement Durable et Territoires, vol. 12(3), 2021.
Oh H., Kim Y.S., Choi J.K., Park E., Lee S.: GIS mapping of regional probabilistic groundwater potential in the area of Pohang City, Korea. Journal of Hydrology, vol. 399(3–4), 2011, pp. 158–172.
Arrebei N., Sabir M., Naimi M., Chikhaoui M., Raclot D.: Reconstitution des données historiques et diagnostic de l’état actuel des aménagements antiérosifs dans le bassin versant Nekor. Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, vol. 7(2), 2019, pp. 313–322.
Taher M., Mourabit T., Bourjila A., Saadi O., Errahmouni A., El Marzkioui F., El Mousaoui M.: An estimation of soil erosion rate hot spots by integrated USLE and GIS methods: A case study of the Ghiss Dam and Basin in Northeastern Morocco. Geomatics and Environmental Engineering, vol. 16(2), pp. 95–110.
ONEE, Direction Technique et Ingénierie: Renforcement de l’AEP d’Al Hoceima à partir du barrage Oued Ghiss. Plan de Gestion Environnementale et Sociale. Royaume du Maroc Office National de l’Électricité et de l’Eau Potable Branche Eau, 2020. [access: 30.08.2024].
Abdalla F.: Mapping of groundwater prospective zones using remote sensing and GIS techniques: A case study from the Central Eastern Desert, Egypt. Journal of African Earth Sciences, vol. 70, 2012, pp. 8–17.
Arulbalaji P., Padmalal D., Sreelash K.: GIS and AHP techniques based delineation of groundwater potential zones: A case study from Southern Western Ghats, India. Scientific Reports, vol. 9, 2019, 2082.
Chowdhury A., Jha M.K., Chowdary V.M.: Delineation of groundwater recharge zones and identification of artificial recharge sites in West Medinipur district, West Bengal, using RS, GIS and MCDM techniques. Environmental Earth Sciences, vol. 59(6), 2010, pp. 1209–1222.
Doke A.B., Zolekar R.B., Patel H., Das S.: Geospatial mapping of groundwater potential zones using multi-criteria decision-making AHP approach in a hardrock basaltic terrain in India. Ecological Indicators, vol. 127, 2021, 107685.
Nouayti N., El Khahil C., Algarra M., Pola M.L., Fernández S., Nouayti A., Esteves da Silva J.C.G., Driss K., Samlani N., Hilali M., El Mustapha A., Krawczyk D.A., Rodero A.: Determination of physicochemical water quality of the Ghis-Nekor Aquifer (Al Hoceima, Morocco) using hydrochemistry, multiple isotopic tracers, and the Geographical Information System (GIS). Water, vol. 14(4), 2022, 606.
Chafouq D., El Mandour A., Elgettafi M., Himi M., Chouikri I., Casas A.: Hydrochemical and isotopic characterization of groundwater in the Ghis-Nekor plain (Northern Morocco). Journal of African Earth Sciences, vol. 139, 2017, pp. 1–13.
Bourjila A.: Modélisation hydrochimique de l’intrusion marine dans l’aquifère côtier de Ghiss-Nekor et caractérisation des zones potentielles en eaux souterraines dans les bassins versants de Ghiss et Nekor (Maroc) à l’aide des méthodes géospatiales. Université Abdelmalek Essaâdi, Tétouan, 2023 [PHD thesis].
Caillet R.: Analyse multicritère : Étude de comparaison des méthodes existantes en vue d’une application en analyse de cycle de vie. Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche en Analyse des Organisations (CIRANO), Montreal 2003.
Abdelouhed F., Algouti A., Algouti A., Baiddane Y., Ifkirne M.: Using GIS and remote sensing for the mapping of potential groundwater zones in fractured environments in the CHAOUIA-Morocco area. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, vol. 23, 2021, 100571.
Jeddou M.B., Kalboussi W.B., Dhouibi A.: Application de la méthode AHP pour le choix multicritère des fournisseurs. Revue Marocaine de recherche en management et marketing, no. 12, 2015, pp. 60–71.
Savita R.S., Mitta H.K., Satishkumar U., Singh P.K., Yadav K.K., Jain H.K., Mathur S.M., Davande S.: Delineation of groundwater potential zones using remote sensing and GIS techniques in Kanakanala Reservoir Subwatershed, Karnataka, India. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences (IJCMAS), vol. 7(1), pp. 273–288.
Akkari D.: L’apport du système d’information géographique (SIG) dans la définition des zones de potentielhydrique dans le bassin versant Abou Ali (Liban Nord). Journal of Alpine Research – Revue de Géographie Alpine, no. 110-4, 2022, pp. 1–27.
Rambert B.: Recherche sur la signification hydrogéologique de la densité du drainage. Application à la détermination et à la cartographie de l’écouelement souterrain. Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM), Orléans 1973.
Dinesh Kumar P.K., Gopinath G., Seralathan P.: Application of remote sensing and GIS for the demarcation of groundwater potential zones of a river basin in Kerala, southwest coast of India. International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 28(24), 2007, pp. 5583–5601.
Bourjila A., Dimane F., Nouayti N., Taher M., El Ouarghi H.: Use of GIS, remote sensing and AHP techniques to delineate groundwater potential zones in the Nekor Basin, Central Rif of Morocco. [in:] GEOIT4W-2020: 4th Edition of International Conference on IT, Geospatial Technologies and Water Resources in Mediterranean Region: March 11 & 12, 2020, ENSAH, Al Hoceima, Association for Computing Machinery, New York 2020, art. no. 13, pp. 1–7.
Argaz A., Ouahman B., Darkaoui A., Bikhtar H., Yabsa Y., Laghzal A.: Application of remote sensing techniques and GIS-multicriteria decision analysis for groundwater potential mapping in Souss Watershed, Morocco. Journal of Materials and Environmental Sciences, vol. 10(5), 2019, pp. 411–421.
Ahmadi H., Kaya O.A., Babadagi E., Savas T., Pekkan E.: GIS-based groundwater potentiality mapping using AHP and FR models in Central Antalya, Turkey. Environmental Sciences Proceedings, vol. 5(1), 11.
Taher M., Mourabit T., Etebaai I., Dekkaki H.C., Amarjouf N., Amine A., Abdelhak B., Errahmouni A., Azzouzi S.: Identification of groundwater potential zones (GWPZ) using geospatial techniques and AHP method: A case study of the Boudinar Basin, Rif Belt (Morocco). Geomatics and Environmental Engineering, vol. 17(3), 2023, pp. 83–105.
Ahmed A., Ranasinghe-Arachchilage C., Alrajhi A., Hewa G.: Comparison of multicriteria decision-making techniques for groundwater recharge potential zonation: Case study of the Willochra Basin, South Australia. Water, vol. 13(4), 2021, 525.
Melese T., Belay T.: Groundwater potential zone mapping using analytical hierarchy process and GIS in Muga Watershed, Abay Basin, Ethiopia. Global Challenges, vol. 6(1), 2022, vol. 6(1), 2100068.
Singh P., Hasnat M., Rao M., Singh P.: Fuzzy analytical hierarchy process based GIS modelling for groundwater prospective zones in Prayagraj, India. Groundwater for Sustainable Development, vol. 12, 2021, 100530.
Kumar M., Singh S.K., Kundu A., Tyagi K., Menon J., Frederick A., et al. GISbased multi-criteria approach to delineate groundwater prospect zone and its sensitivity analysis. Applied Water Science, vol. 12(4), 2022, 71.
Ake G.E., Kouame K., Koffi A., Jourda J.: Cartographie des zones potentielles de recharge de la nappe de Bonoua (sud-est de la Côte d’Ivoire). Revue des Sciences de l’Eau – Journal of Water Science, vol. 31(2), 2018, pp. 129–144.
Dar T., Rai N., Bhat A.: Delineation of potential groundwater recharge zones using analytical hierarchy process (AHP). Geology, Ecology, and Landscapes, vol. 5(4), pp. 292–307.
Bourjila A., Dimane F., El Ouarghi H., Nouayti N., Taher M., El Hammoudani Y., Saadi O., Bensiali A.: Groundwater potential zones mapping by applying GIS, remote sensing and multi-criteria decision analysis in the Ghiss basin, northern Morocco. Groundwater for Sustainable Development, vol. 15, 2021, 100693.
Ikirri M., Boutaleb S., Ibraheem I.M., Abioui M., Echogdali F.Z., Abdelrahman K., Id-Belqas M., Abu-Alam T., El Ayady H., Essoussi S., Faik F.: Delineation of groundwater potential area using an AHP, remote sensing, and GIS techniques in the Ifni Basin, Western Anti-Atlas, Morocco. Water, vol. 15(7), 2023, 1436.
Echogdali F.Z., Boutaleb S., Bendarma A., Saidi M.E., Aadraoui M., Abioui M., Ouchchen M., Abdelrahman K., Fnais M.S., Sajinkumar K.S.: Application of analytical hierarchy process and geophysical method for groundwater potential mapping in the Tata Basin, Morocco. Water, 14(15), 2022, 2393.
Hamdani N., Baali A.: Characterization of groundwater potential zones using analytic hierarchy process and integrated geomatic techniques in Central Middle Atlas (Morocco). Applied Geomatics, vol. 12(3), 2020, pp. 323–335.